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The 2nd Annual Atari Network
Fuji Awards for 2024

Silverback and Funkmaster V present the tiny tiny trophies for 10 Winners in 10 illustrious Atari categories. Watch the the entire show with the live chat on the video link above, or simply check out the list below. The Winners of the categories are highlighted in GOLD.

Best Official Atari Game of the Year!

Yar's Rising
Qwomp 2
Lunar Lander Beyond
Tetris Forever

Best Atari Homebrew of the Year!

Bounty Bob Strikes Back (7800+)
Casey's Gold (2600)
Caverns of Mars (2600+)
Jumping at Shadows (Jaguar)

Atari Person/ Entity of the Year!

Zero Page Homebrew (Podcast)
Ballistic Coffee Boy (Youtube Content Creator)
Bob DeCrescenzo (Programmer)
Muddyfunster (Programmer)

Biggest Atari Blunder of the Year :(

Releasing Bentley Bear with the 7800 Gamepads
The 7800+ Launch Library
The Atari VCS Still doesn't work out of the box
Atari Age Delays in Shipping

Best 3rd Party VCS Game of the Year!

Circus Interstellar
Cash Cow DX
Wild Dogs
Super 3D Maze 16

Weirdest Atari Product of the Year!

Atari Decanter Set
Atari Hot Sauce
Atari Hobby Lobby Art
Atari Coffee w/ VCS game tie in

Best Atari Hardware Release of the Year!

Hyper Mega Tech Super Atari Pocket (Woodgrain)
Atari 400 Mini
Atari 7800+
Atari 2600 Movie Cart

Best Atari Work in Progress of the Year!

Bernie and the Tower of Doom (7800)
Mortal Kombat (Jaguar)
Knight Guy 30 Squares of Fate (7800)
Dreadnaught Assault (7800)

Biggest Surprise of the Year!

Atari Buys Intellevision
Atari 7800+ Announced
Falling Leaves Multicart by Gambler/ Karri was Actually Good
Fatal Run 2089

Best Video 61 Laminated Sheet of the Year!!!

Muskie Attack Comic and Manual
Muskie Fact Sheet
Megaoids Comic and Manual